Thursday 29 August 2013


1. Not fighting fair.

Happy couples don't necessarily fight less, they just fight better, by “describing their own feelings and needs rather than labeling their partner as faulty.” And the ball is probably in your court for that. Research shows that wives are more likely to bring up problems for discussion, while husbands are more likely to withdraw at the first sign of an argument. When this keeps happening, women tend to start conversations on a negative note, which only makes things worse. Instead of resorting to personal attacks—“You're such a slob!” “We're going to be late because of you!”—which lead to defensiveness,We recommend sticking to “I-statements,” such as “When (this happens), I feel (frustrated, angry). What I needed was...”

2. Treating him like a child.

“A big issue I see in couples is a man resenting his partner because he feels she talks down to him,”. This can leave him feeling “less-than,” and nothing triggers resentment faster than inadequacy. So avoid threatening his independence—the way pressuring him to go for a promotion so he'll bring home more money may be perceived—suggests sinners chapel. “No one wants to feel 'managed' by a spouse”.

3. Involving other people in your marriage.

What you might think of as harmless complaining to friends and family can actually break your husband’s trust. It threatens the safety of the “couple bubble” you've created together. “Men find this humiliating and hurtful,” says us at the sinners chapel, a couples’ therapist said, If you really need to vent, consider talking to a doctor or therapist to keep things confidential. 

4. Not showing appreciation for things he does right.

“Men will never ask for it,” Gonsiewski says, but regular doses of praise are important. “They need to hear that their wives are proud of them.” Scott Haltzman, MD, author of The Secrets of Happily Married Women, notes that men tend to be more action-oriented than women, which means they show affection in different ways. “He may empty the dishwasher as a way of saying he cares about you.” sinners chapel suggestion: “Pay attention to what he does, and let him know you notice.”

5. Withholding sex as punishment.

While women generally need emotional intimacy to make love, men express emotional intimacy through sex, says Marla Taviano, author of Is That All He Thinks About?  When a wife turns down sex, in her husband's mind, “she's turning him down as a person,” explains Taviano. Using sex as a bargaining chip to get your needs meet isn't negotiating—it's emotional blackmail, which can alienate him. “Withholding sex may make your partner feel less love from you and give you less love in return,” says sinners chapel...I know Nigerian women are VERY good at this!

Yours' Ever

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