Tuesday 30 July 2013

WOMEN ONLY!...What men really think about....SEX!

Men may act cool and confident around women, but there's more going on than meets the eye. The London School Of Attraction tells us what men really think about sex.

Men don’t talk about sex with their friends

You may think he’s telling his mates about you, but aside from some superficial bravado, he won’t be actually talking about what goes on in the bedroom – certainly not in the same way that women do. Not sharing his experiences of sex can leave a guy feeling vulnerable and insecure; it’s all to easy to assume everyone else is having mind-blowing, marathon sex sessions if you never actually talk to anyone else about it. Even the most seemingly self-assured guy will have pangs of doubt about his sexual performance.

Men take responsibility in bed

Men feel a great pressure to please you. Sometimes it can feel like we’re the conductors in a sexual orchestra, and it’s on us to make sure all the parts link together. Be sensitive to this pressure and be quick to forgive if he seems to be taking everything too seriously.

Men need to be praised

Men need to feel attractive in just the same way women do. Guys may seem cold, but they will respond to some genuine praise. Tell him what you like about him and why.

Men are worried about upsetting you

Most guys feel like they need to tip-toe around women. They feel like women need to be persuaded to have sex, and they feel sometimes like women are doing them a favour by allowing it. This mind-set can make him nervous. If you don’t want your man to feel nervous, let him know you enjoy sex (and sex with him) as well.

Men can be told what to do

If you like a certain thing in bed, it’s ok to tell a guy. Men like instructions, and it’s no different when it comes to sex. The trick here is to do it in the right way. Before you tell him what to do, get him onside with a compliment – “you’re so sexy” always works well. Then just ask him in a way that preserves his self-esteem: “I’d love it if you...” is more effective than, “why don’t you ever…” It’s all in the delivery

So ladies..the ball is your court!...winked.

Yours' Ever

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