Monday 20 May 2013

FOR WOMEN ONLY!..7 Fast Ways to Get Perfect Skin

No time for facials and appointments with renowned dermatologists? These tips are all you need for amazing skin


TIP 1: Give your medicine cabinet an overhaul

When you have a ton of different skin care products staring at you from your medicine cabinet, it can start to feel too overwhelming. Instead of feeling bogged down by so many options, pare down your routine. Because despite what QVC might be telling you, you only need a few key items to keep your skin healthy. First, throw out any expired products. Next, toss any eye cream or moisturizer where the water has separated from the product and is resting on top -- this is a sign of a product that's lost its efficacy. Finally, trash (or donate) products you don't use on a daily basis or haven

TIP 2: Clean up your diet

If you want to spend less time fussing over your skin, your goal should be to have the healthiest skin possible. The easiest way to keep your skin healthy is to eat right and stay hydrated. That means drinking at least eight ounces of water a day and eating foods that are anti-inflammatory and contain lots of anti-oxidants. "Also, low glycemic index foods such as salads, bright red and green vegetables, omega 3 rich wild salmon, avocados, olive oil, and blueberries are great for your complexion." She adds that your skin is a projection of what is going on internally. 

TIP 3: Keep your a.m. routine super simple

Here's the simple, anti-aging skin care regimen Lancer and Perry recommend. It requires four products and takes about three minutes: 

Your a.m. routine:

Step 1: Cleanse with a non-soap cleanser (try Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser)

Step 2: Gently exfoliate (try Lancer Dermatology Polish)

Step 3: Prevent/correct with vitamin C and antioxidants (try SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic)

TIP 4: Make your p.m. routine even simpler

Your nighttime routine can be extremely simple, says Perry, and should include the following:

Step 1: Cleanse
Step 2: Correct/Repair with a retinoid (try Retin A from your dermatologist or RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

TIP 5: Watch your sodium and protein intake

"I always tell my clients to watch what they eat when they eat when they are traveling or working a lot, as "salt reduction is critically important for healthy skin." Why? Salt decreases the water intake of your internal organs, and when your organs are dehydrated, they suck the water out of your skin and leave you with sallow, dry, cracked skin. So, if you're grabbing quick food while on the run, pay extra attention to nutritional labels. Protein intake is also essential for healthy, youthful skin. He recommends making protein about 40 percent of your dietary intake. Why? "Amino acids in the blood stream stimulate collagen and elastin production".

TIP 6: Baby your skin when you travel

If you travel a lot, it can take a toll on your skin. To help your complexion cope, don't wear makeup on the plane, says Perry. "It's also a good idea to pack a small tube of moisturizer in your carry-on and reapply throughout the flight," says Perry. And speaking of moisturizer, slather on a super-hydrating formula all over your body before your flight. After all, it's not just your face that gets parched at 30,000 feet. We love Vaseline Intensive Rescue Soothing Moisture Body Lotion with Chamomile.

TIP 7: Stash wipes in your nightstand

For those nights when you really are just too pooped to do the minimal p.m. skin care routine, keep a pack of cleansing wipes by your bed to remove makeup, excess dirt, and oil. Try multi-tasking wipes like Boots No7 Quick Thinking 4-in-1 Wipes, which cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin. Going to bed with makeup on can clog pores and make your skin age faster.  
 Trust this helps.

Yours' Lovingly,


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